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JOIN "The Villages Cardinals Nation"

Welcome to our Cardinals fan club.  We are excited you want to join us to watch Cardinal games, talk Cardinal baseball, take road trips to Spring Training, and participate in our many activities.  Our club currently is over 300 members and we welcome you.  Note To join, you must be a Villages resident.

 Membership info:

1.  Send a check in the amount of $15
per person and made payable to Cardinals Nation.  Please mail your check to:

Glenda Wolfe
2918 Amherst Way
The Villages, FL 32163

2.  When you send your check, please include your name(s) as you would like them to appear on your badges and include the hometown you would like to add to the badge.  Our badges have our club logo (you can see it on our website) with your name, and your hometow

Note:  Membership renewals are every October and are $12.  The first year is $15 because you buy your membership badge for $3.

3.  Please include a cell phone number and email for each member.

Most of our upcoming events require membership to attend.

Looking forward to making your acquaintance and welcoming you to The Villages Cardinals Nation.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  Be sure to read Bruce's newsletters or Upcoming Events page because we have a lot of fun activities planned.


Membership Chair
(850)  449-3361